Sunday, November 2, 2008

Welcome to ContractPRNow

Hi all -
Welcome to the ContractPRNow blog. It's the first day of blogging...

What is ContractPRNow?

It's a site dedicated to PR and Marcom consultants looking to connect with folks of the same in a myraid of industries -- technology, financial services, consumer goods, digital media, green IT, etc, etc, etc...

And it is a site that is inviting corporate marketing department executives to find the pr and marcom consultants they need to get the job done while we're in this mess of a financial downturn.

All told - ContractPRNow is a win for everyone -- consultants get consulting gigs and CMo's get top-notch talent. What's better than that?

I remember back in 2000 - when I began Trier and Company ( - a PR agency that is now pretty darn cool, some eight years later. Trier and Company began out of the dot com bust -- I had left the world of a big, famous PR agency and gone in-house. I took my team from the big, famous PR agency and we all thought we'd get rich in no time. Well, that no time was a year and we got laid off. So, being quite industrious and quite hungry, we started consulting for B2B companies like Apple and Cisco and Accenture - and Trier and Company was born.

I am not sure if 2009 will be like 2000, but my gut tells me it will be hard and slow. Budgets are being slashed and in-house marketing folks are getting super wigged-out about job security.

So, welcome to ContractPRnow -- we're off and running, so to speak.. The website will be up in a few weeks - and it will allow for contractors to post their vitals and for corporate marketing folks to have access to the database to pick their best candidates.